Hello, It's Me


And I'm a

Studying Software Engineering at NUST

Frontend Web Developer

MERN Developer

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About Me

I am Muhammad Umar Khan, a highly motivated and dedicated Software Engineering student with a strong passion for creating innovative software solutions. Currently pursuing my degree at the prestigious National University of Science and Technology (NUST), I am driven to excel in the dynamic field of technology. With a solid educational foundation from Divisional Public School and College Sahiwal, I have developed a strong understanding of programming languages, software development methodologies, and cutting-edge technologies. My primary focus lies in Development, Artificial Intelligence, App Development, and Cyber Security, where I strive to leverage my skills to design and develop efficient and user-centric software systems.
I have developed proficiency as a web developer, enabling me to create end-to-end solutions for web applications. On the front-end side, I am well-versed in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and I have experience with popular frameworks such as React.js and Angular. I can design intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces that deliver a seamless user experience. When it comes to back-end development, I have worked with languages like Node.js. I have knowledge of server-side frameworks such as Express.js. I am skilled in database management using SQL and NoSQL databases like MySQL, MongoDB, and Firebase.
By engaging in hands-on projects and internships, I have honed my practical skills and gained valuable insights into real-world software development scenarios. Through my academic journey at NUST, I have had the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals in the industry, enabling me to refine my technical expertise and problem-solving abilities. I am committed to staying updated with the latest industry trends and advancements, and possess a natural curiosity and eagerness to learn, which fuels my drive for continuous growth and improvement.
With my full-stack web development skills, I can develop robust and scalable web applications from concept to deployment. I am capable of handling the entire development process, including designing the database schema, implementing server-side logic, and creating responsive and interactive front-end interfaces.
My ultimate goal is to become a proficient software engineer who contributes to the development of high-quality and impactful software products. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to collaborating with like-minded professionals, exploring new challenges, and making a significant contribution to the ever-evolving world of technology.
Feel free to reach out to connect and explore potential opportunities for collaboration and growth.

My Skills


As a web developer, I have honed my skills in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and applied them effectively to create dynamic and engaging websites. Through my experience and knowledge of HTML, I have developed a strong foundation in structuring web pages, organizing content, and ensuring optimal user experiences.


I have dedicated myself to honing my skills in CSS. I have developed a deep understanding of CSS concepts and techniques. I am now proficient in creating responsive layouts, applying advanced styling with flexbox and grid, and implementing animations and transitions to enhance user experience.


I have dedicated myself to honing my skills in JavaScript. I have become proficient in core JavaScript concepts, such as functions, loops, and conditional statements. I have expanded my knowledge by exploring advanced topics like object-oriented programming and manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) to create dynamic and interactive web applications.

JQuery & React Js

With jQuery, I have honed my ability to manipulate the DOM effortlessly, enabling me to create dynamic websites. React.js and mastered its component-based structure and the concept of the virtual DOM and Hooks.

CPP Programing

With a strong foundation in the fundamentals of C++, I have gained expertise in OOP principles and mastered concepts like classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. I have become proficient in memory management, utilizing techniques such as dynamic memory allocation. I also have delved into C++'s template metaprogramming, enabling me to write generic and reusable code

DataBase SQL & NonSQL

I have dedicated myself to developing my skills in SQL & Non SQL databases. I have become adept at designing, querying, and optimizing databases using SQL & NonSQL. Additionally, I have gained expertise in writing complex SQL queries, joining tables, filtering data, and performing aggregations to extract valuable insights from large datasets.

Node JS

I am proud to share that I have acquired a strong command over Node.js and Express.js, two integral components of modern web development. Through hands-on experience and dedicated learning, I have honed my skills in building efficient and scalable server-side applications. With Node.js, I have embraced asynchronous programming and non-blocking I/O, enabling me to create lightning-fast and responsive web applications. I've leveraged the vast ecosystem of Node.js modules to implement features such as user authentication, real-time data updates, and robust APIs.


Chess Game in C

The project involves creating a 2-player chess game using C programming. It includes features such as a display of an 8x8 game board, movement of various chess pieces, check and checkmate conditions, and a command line interface for input and display.

For the source code, please click the icon below:


Notes Cloud MERN

In my comprehensive project, I've leveraged the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) to develop a dynamic note-taking application with robust user authentication features. This application allows users to create, edit, and delete their own personalized notes within a secure environment. This project exemplifies the synergy of cutting-edge technologies to create a collaborative and user-centric note-taking platform.

For the source code, please click the icon below:

Netflix Clone MERN

Building a Netflix clone using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack offers a comprehensive learning experience in full-stack development. This project involves recreating key features of the popular streaming platform.

For the source code, please click the icon below:

Daily Network REACT JS

I've seamlessly blended my React skills with the power of the newsapi.org API to curate a dynamic news experience. By harnessing React's modular components and state management, I've crafted a user-friendly interface that fetches and displays real-time news content. This project not only showcases my proficiency in React development but also highlights my ability to integrate external APIs, providing users with up-to-date and relevant news at their fingertips.

For the source code, please click the icon below:


The Servigo Desktop App, is my 2nd-semester project at NUST. It is a application built with Qt Creator and C++. It connects users with service. The integration of the Google Maps API enables location-based search for nearby providers. The app utilizes a local SQL Server Express database.For the source code, please click the github icon. For more detail click the LinkedIn icon:

Drum Kit

I have successfully created a drum kit using HTML, CSS, and jQuery. The drum kit allows users to play different drum sounds by clicking on virtual drum pads on the web page. With this project, users can enjoy playing virtual drums right from their browsers.

To play the drum kit, please click the play icon. For source code, click the external link icon


Simon Game

I have created a drum Simon game using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. The game is based on the popular Simon memory game but with drum sounds. It features a visually appealing interface, where players need to follow a sequence of drum beats played by the computer and replicate it accurately.

To play the Game, please click the play icon. For source code, click the external link icon


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